Knowledge Base Checkout One Deluxe Tools Quick Start Guide...

Checkout One Deluxe Tools Quick Start Guide

Author Bill Brewer
Abandoned Carts - This area lists carts started, but not completed at your store.

Sent Reminders - This area lists of all of the abandoned cart notifications sent and their results.

Automated Reminders - Create rules on what criteria a cart will need to meet for a reminder to be sent.
To create an automated rule do the following:

1.  In the admin go to Tools -> Checkout One Tool Suite
2.  Click the Automated Reminder section and then click the Add notification rule button
3.  In this section there are multiple options

Basic Settings

Rule Title - Give your rule a unique name related to its criteria   
Active From - Set the beginning time for your rule
Rule Expires - Set the expiration time for this rule (optional)
Send Notification After - The amount of days or hours after a cart is abandoned before a reminder is sent
Times To Send - If there is no response you can optionally re-send this reminder after this amount of time


All of the following are optional, and can filter out what type of cart will receive these notifications:

Order Status Event - The notification will be sent to carts that resulted in the selected order status
Cart Contains - The notification will be sent only if the cart contains a product from this list
Cart Subtotal - The notification will only be sent to carts over this subtotal


You can specify a discount as an extra incentive for a customer to complete their purchase.

Emailed Carts - This area lists the customers who requested an email of their stored cart.

Logged Errors - This area lists errors encountered on the checkout page at your store.

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