Parts Search and Filter

Parts Search and Filter

Not just a filter, not just a search, both in one single interface. Filter your parts specific criteria by Year/Make/Model, Brand/Model, or any other criteria. You determine the fields and their order.
Price: $99.00
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Filter your parts specific criteria by Year/Make/Model, Brand/Model, or any other criteria. You determine the fields and their order.

Not just a filter, not just a search, both in one single interface!

The Parts Search and filter module is a powerful tool to help customers find specific products meeting multiple criteria. Not just a filter of existing data, a customer can use a series of dropdowns to find the exact product they are looking for.

Some of the more common uses are on Automotive and Printer Cartridge sites. However, the Parts Search and Filter module is built for use in all industries. For example: Replacement Parts, Sewing Machine Parts, Tires, Wine, just about anything that has multiple criteria needed to determine the correct product.