Forum Announcements Guest Blog Post by Kermit Carter from

Guest Blog Post by Kermit Carter from

15 Posts
Pittsburgh, PA
Joined: Nov 2015
Thanks to Kermit Carter from Flowers By The Sea for taking the time to write about his experience moving his shopping cart to Gahela:

"Starting in November 2017 we started our cart transition.  Our business is quite seasonable, with very strong ordering starting in December.  So the heat was on, so to speak. The complete rebuild of our X-Cart site, that had taken years of development, was finished in less than 8 weeks.  Not only did the site "look" cleaner to the customers, but all our custom features were there, better than ever.  And many of the Gahela modules have allowed us to offer even more to our customers.  The site now runs 110% faster than before, and is fully secure running https everywhere.  Using the built-in feature set, we were able to vastly improve the experience of users on small screen devices.  It was one of the best business decisions we have ever made"...

Read the entire blog post here
Bill Brewer Gahela
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7 Posts
Joined: May 2017
who did the theme?

this is the only "problem" i have, before to migrate to gahela
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1 Posts
Mendocino Coast, California
Joined: Jan 2018
I did the theme myself.  After jumping through hoops for years with X-Cart, it was really easy to get this right in Gahela.  The Theme Designer gives you control over the page layout and components, down to an atomic level if necessary.  Most of what I did theme-wise is put a few Bootstrap components around the existing template code.  It is so easy to change page layouts.

BTW, I started with the default theme, which as a lot built in.
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7 Posts
Joined: May 2017
looking around your valuabue site.....

using it on my iphone 8, the floating header in landscape covers the 60% of the available space.....
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